BI tool data governance

4 Steps to Fixing a Broken 360° View of Your Business

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Stop us if you’ve heard this before. You connected a business intelligence (BI) tool like Tableau to a cloud-based warehouse like Snowflake and completed your first analytics project. Perhaps you’ve identified a new market opportunity or a way to gain some cost savings. Now that you’ve had your first analytics success, the business wants more. But your BI users have multiplied across the company, each wanting to connect to the data warehouse and run analytics from the convenience of a web browser. You’ve realized that the answers to new questions will require access to sensitive data, such as customer address, age, demographics, and other personally identifiable information (PII).

In many companies, the demand for access to data and analytics has increased along with the understanding of the value of business insight. Many analytics admins have settled for the shared service account method of enabling access to cloud data stores. This approach is easier to manage, but limits your ability to maintain, track and control access to sensitive data used in BI tools like Tableau. This can often lead to critical data being left out of the business intelligence equation, a less than full view of the business, and incomplete or inaccurate analysis.

Download this eBook to get the 4 steps to fixing this broken 360 view of your business by utilizing solutions to limit management of individual user access while enabling the ability to control and protect sensitive data in BI tools.

4 Steps to Fixing a Broken 360° View of Your Business

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4 Steps to Fixing a Broken 360° View of Your Business

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4 Steps to Fixing a Broken 360° View of Your Business

PUBLISHED: Jun 10, 2022

Get full BI view and control of Tableau users accessing sensitive Snowflake data via shared service accounts

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