Why Tokenization Is The Killer App For Analytics

One of the game-changing properties of tokenization is its ability to apply determinism when protecting data, which represents a distinct piece of data with a particular alphanumeric code.


Unlike encryption, deterministic tokens can safely maintain relationships with other datasets. Because there’s no key and no relationship between the data and the token, tokenized data is useless to someone with inadvertent or malicious access. Yet determinism allows operators to create value from data without having to first detokenize it.

Why Tokenization Is The Killer App For Analytics

July 29, 2022


Unlike encryption, deterministic tokens can safely maintain relationships with other datasets. Because there’s no key and no relationship between the data and the token, tokenized data is useless to someone with inadvertent or malicious access. Yet determinism allows operators to create value from data without having to first detokenize it.

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