15 Important Things Everyone Should Understand About Their Tech Colleagues’ Work

In many ways, the work of tech leaders and their teams has more impact on their colleagues’ day-to-day productivity (and customers’ satisfaction) than anyone else’s; yet many of those colleagues don’t understand well what they do.


Getting to know a little bit more about what the tech leader and team members do and how they think can help nontech members better communicate and work with them to build impactful tech solutions. Here, 15 members of Forbes Technology Council each share one thing they wish their nontech colleagues knew about their work and why it’s important.

15 Important Things Everyone Should Understand About Their Tech Colleagues’ Work

May 23, 2022


Getting to know a little bit more about what the tech leader and team members do and how they think can help nontech members better communicate and work with them to build impactful tech solutions. Here, 15 members of Forbes Technology Council each share one thing they wish their nontech colleagues knew about their work and why it’s important.

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