better than the gym

3 Ways ALTR is Better Than the Gym

3 Ways ALTR is Better Than the Gym

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It’s January - the time of year when we kick off our New Year’s resolutions. One of the most common is “getting in shape”, and that often means signing up for a gym membership. In fact, about 12% of all gym memberships happen in January, according to the IHRSA. However, 50% of those new members quit within 6 months!

This year, why not consider beefing up your data governance and security program with ALTR instead?  

3 ways the ALTR Free plan is better than a gym membership:  

1) It’s free, for real

Obviously. But it’s free with no strings attached. Unlike some gym memberships, there’s no bait and switch. There’s no credit card required, there’s no limited time offer, there’s no 6-month trial rate – ALTR Free is free for life. You can use it as long as you want, upgrade if or when you’re ready, or stay on the free plan forever.  

In fact, with ALTR there’s no contract at all. We’ve worked hard to make sure that our free version provides a complete data control and protection on its own. If you don’t find it’s providing the functionality you need, we hope you’ll let us know so we can improve. But if it’s just not doing it for you, you can quit at any time. Unlike the gym, you won’t have to send a notarized letter, certified mail to the company’s headquarters and then watch and wait to see if this is the month they stop debiting your account!  

2) It’s not intimidating to get started

Depending on the shape you’re in, beginning a workout program can be intimidating. Maybe you’re not sure where to start, you don’t know how to use the machines, you’re worried you’ll be judged, or don’t want to deal with Instagram influencers recording their workouts while you’re just trying to burn off holiday calories! It can be the same with a data governance program. The idea may be so overwhelming you think you need 6 months to even figure out what data you should protect and where it is, before you can even think about launching your program.  

With ALTR, it’s simple to get started. There’s no big set up, no long implementation project, no coding knowledge necessary. There’s no hardware to purchase and no consultants needed.

You can sign up directly through Snowflake Partner Connect or here on our site, connect your databases, discover and classify data instantly, choose the columns of sensitive data you want to protect – in just a few minutes! No matter what stage of data governance you are, ALTR gives you the space and tools to grow at your own pace.

3) It’s easy to maintain

Going to the gym can be tough to keep up. At the end of a long day or before you even get going, you have to find the motivation to put your gear on, drive to the gym no matter the weather or the traffic, then you have to actually do the work! And you have to do it 3 to 5 times a week to make an impact.  

With ALTR, once you set it up, you can just sit back and let it do the work for you. ALTR automates access to data, limits data consumption based on the rules you set, and blocks unauthorized access automatically. Our data usage heatmaps show your top users, what data they accessed, when and how much. It’s like a Fitbit for your data consumption. The difference is you don’t have to do a thing to see the numbers go up. ALTR helps you build up your core data governance, control, protect muscles so you can focus on the heavy lifting of moving sensitive data to the cloud.  

Stay on the couch and get fit with ALTR

We built the ALTR Free plan to give everyone access to effective data control and protection – we’ve done away with long implementations, high costs, complicated contracts, time-consuming maintenance. We’ve eliminated all the roadblocks, and there are no more excuses.  

The ALTR Free plan can help you kick start your data control and protection fitness in 2022. And it’s safer than a Peloton.





use case


3 Ways ALTR is Better Than the Gym

It’s January - the time of year when we kick off our New Year’s resolutions. One of the most common is “getting in shape”, and that often means signing up for a gym membership. In fact, about 12% of all gym memberships happen in January, according to the IHRSA. However, 50% of those new members quit within 6 months!

This year, why not consider beefing up your data governance and security program with ALTR instead?  

3 ways the ALTR Free plan is better than a gym membership:  

1) It’s free, for real

Obviously. But it’s free with no strings attached. Unlike some gym memberships, there’s no bait and switch. There’s no credit card required, there’s no limited time offer, there’s no 6-month trial rate – ALTR Free is free for life. You can use it as long as you want, upgrade if or when you’re ready, or stay on the free plan forever.  

In fact, with ALTR there’s no contract at all. We’ve worked hard to make sure that our free version provides a complete data control and protection on its own. If you don’t find it’s providing the functionality you need, we hope you’ll let us know so we can improve. But if it’s just not doing it for you, you can quit at any time. Unlike the gym, you won’t have to send a notarized letter, certified mail to the company’s headquarters and then watch and wait to see if this is the month they stop debiting your account!  

2) It’s not intimidating to get started

Depending on the shape you’re in, beginning a workout program can be intimidating. Maybe you’re not sure where to start, you don’t know how to use the machines, you’re worried you’ll be judged, or don’t want to deal with Instagram influencers recording their workouts while you’re just trying to burn off holiday calories! It can be the same with a data governance program. The idea may be so overwhelming you think you need 6 months to even figure out what data you should protect and where it is, before you can even think about launching your program.  

With ALTR, it’s simple to get started. There’s no big set up, no long implementation project, no coding knowledge necessary. There’s no hardware to purchase and no consultants needed.

You can sign up directly through Snowflake Partner Connect or here on our site, connect your databases, discover and classify data instantly, choose the columns of sensitive data you want to protect – in just a few minutes! No matter what stage of data governance you are, ALTR gives you the space and tools to grow at your own pace.

3) It’s easy to maintain

Going to the gym can be tough to keep up. At the end of a long day or before you even get going, you have to find the motivation to put your gear on, drive to the gym no matter the weather or the traffic, then you have to actually do the work! And you have to do it 3 to 5 times a week to make an impact.  

With ALTR, once you set it up, you can just sit back and let it do the work for you. ALTR automates access to data, limits data consumption based on the rules you set, and blocks unauthorized access automatically. Our data usage heatmaps show your top users, what data they accessed, when and how much. It’s like a Fitbit for your data consumption. The difference is you don’t have to do a thing to see the numbers go up. ALTR helps you build up your core data governance, control, protect muscles so you can focus on the heavy lifting of moving sensitive data to the cloud.  

Stay on the couch and get fit with ALTR

We built the ALTR Free plan to give everyone access to effective data control and protection – we’ve done away with long implementations, high costs, complicated contracts, time-consuming maintenance. We’ve eliminated all the roadblocks, and there are no more excuses.  

The ALTR Free plan can help you kick start your data control and protection fitness in 2022. And it’s safer than a Peloton.

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3 Ways ALTR is Better Than the Gym

PUBLISHED: Jan 12, 2022

Get your data control and protection in shape in 2022

James Beecham
Founder & CEO

It’s January - the time of year when we kick off our New Year’s resolutions. One of the most common is “getting in shape”, and that often means signing up for a gym membership. In fact, about 12% of all gym memberships happen in January, according to the IHRSA. However, 50% of those new members quit within 6 months!

This year, why not consider beefing up your data governance and security program with ALTR instead?  

3 ways the ALTR Free plan is better than a gym membership:  

1) It’s free, for real

Obviously. But it’s free with no strings attached. Unlike some gym memberships, there’s no bait and switch. There’s no credit card required, there’s no limited time offer, there’s no 6-month trial rate – ALTR Free is free for life. You can use it as long as you want, upgrade if or when you’re ready, or stay on the free plan forever.  

In fact, with ALTR there’s no contract at all. We’ve worked hard to make sure that our free version provides a complete data control and protection on its own. If you don’t find it’s providing the functionality you need, we hope you’ll let us know so we can improve. But if it’s just not doing it for you, you can quit at any time. Unlike the gym, you won’t have to send a notarized letter, certified mail to the company’s headquarters and then watch and wait to see if this is the month they stop debiting your account!  

2) It’s not intimidating to get started

Depending on the shape you’re in, beginning a workout program can be intimidating. Maybe you’re not sure where to start, you don’t know how to use the machines, you’re worried you’ll be judged, or don’t want to deal with Instagram influencers recording their workouts while you’re just trying to burn off holiday calories! It can be the same with a data governance program. The idea may be so overwhelming you think you need 6 months to even figure out what data you should protect and where it is, before you can even think about launching your program.  

With ALTR, it’s simple to get started. There’s no big set up, no long implementation project, no coding knowledge necessary. There’s no hardware to purchase and no consultants needed.

You can sign up directly through Snowflake Partner Connect or here on our site, connect your databases, discover and classify data instantly, choose the columns of sensitive data you want to protect – in just a few minutes! No matter what stage of data governance you are, ALTR gives you the space and tools to grow at your own pace.

3) It’s easy to maintain

Going to the gym can be tough to keep up. At the end of a long day or before you even get going, you have to find the motivation to put your gear on, drive to the gym no matter the weather or the traffic, then you have to actually do the work! And you have to do it 3 to 5 times a week to make an impact.  

With ALTR, once you set it up, you can just sit back and let it do the work for you. ALTR automates access to data, limits data consumption based on the rules you set, and blocks unauthorized access automatically. Our data usage heatmaps show your top users, what data they accessed, when and how much. It’s like a Fitbit for your data consumption. The difference is you don’t have to do a thing to see the numbers go up. ALTR helps you build up your core data governance, control, protect muscles so you can focus on the heavy lifting of moving sensitive data to the cloud.  

Stay on the couch and get fit with ALTR

We built the ALTR Free plan to give everyone access to effective data control and protection – we’ve done away with long implementations, high costs, complicated contracts, time-consuming maintenance. We’ve eliminated all the roadblocks, and there are no more excuses.  

The ALTR Free plan can help you kick start your data control and protection fitness in 2022. And it’s safer than a Peloton.

Ready to get started?
We’re here to help. Our team can show you how to use ALTR and make recommendations based on your company’s needs.
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