sensitive data classification

Automatically Discover, Classify, Control, and Secure Sensitive Data with ALTR and BigID

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Automatically Discover, Classify, Control, and Secure Sensitive Data with ALTR and BigID

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The massive influx of data created and collected in the last few years has been a boon to organizations, offering the opportunity to achieve exceptional insight into company operations while proactively anticipating customer behavior. However, like any unprecedented change, it comes with challenges. Before you can leverage this data, you must understand and control it.


Companies across all industries suffer from:

  • Lack of visibility into their data landscape: where is data located? On premises in company-owned enterprise data warehouses or legacy applications? In the cloud in IT-approved applications or shadow IT SaaS? Without an accurate inventory, how can companies begin to manage the data?
  • Inability to identify sensitive data automatically: In the mass of all this data, picking out the sensitive information is even more challenging. If sensitive data isn’t clearly identified, it can’t be governed in line with data privacy laws, leaving companies potentially exposed to censure or fines.  
  • Difficulty controlling massing amounts of data subject to a growing multitude of regulations: Once sensitive data is located and identified, it must be controlled and secured according to applicable regulations. Doing this manually is time consuming and error-prone, increasing risk.

Solution: ALTR + BigID for automated policy enforcement and protection

Combining BigID’s industry-leading discovery and classification capabilities with ALTR’s data access control and patented data security technology allows companies to automate policy enforcement on data in Snowflake based on knowledge gained from BigID. ALTR can apply role- and row-based access and masking policies on sensitive data in Snowflake, tokenize data identified by BigID as sensitive prior to migration or once in Snowflake, set which roles can de-tokenize sensitive data and limit how much data each user can access.You can start with knowing and understanding your data then move on to controlling and securing your data, seamlessly. Automatic end-to-end data governance and security allows you to migrate sensitive workloads into Snowflake safely.

Outcome: More data, more insight

With ALTR and BigID, you’ll save time and effort by automating policy enforcement, you’ll lower the risk on your data, and you can leverage more data. Our combined easy-to-use, cost-effective and scalable solution lets you turn that mountain of data into insight and a winning edge for your business.

See how it works: 

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Automatically Discover, Classify, Control, and Secure Sensitive Data with ALTR and BigID

The massive influx of data created and collected in the last few years has been a boon to organizations, offering the opportunity to achieve exceptional insight into company operations while proactively anticipating customer behavior. However, like any unprecedented change, it comes with challenges. Before you can leverage this data, you must understand and control it.


Companies across all industries suffer from:

  • Lack of visibility into their data landscape: where is data located? On premises in company-owned enterprise data warehouses or legacy applications? In the cloud in IT-approved applications or shadow IT SaaS? Without an accurate inventory, how can companies begin to manage the data?
  • Inability to identify sensitive data automatically: In the mass of all this data, picking out the sensitive information is even more challenging. If sensitive data isn’t clearly identified, it can’t be governed in line with data privacy laws, leaving companies potentially exposed to censure or fines.  
  • Difficulty controlling massing amounts of data subject to a growing multitude of regulations: Once sensitive data is located and identified, it must be controlled and secured according to applicable regulations. Doing this manually is time consuming and error-prone, increasing risk.

Solution: ALTR + BigID for automated policy enforcement and protection

Combining BigID’s industry-leading discovery and classification capabilities with ALTR’s data access control and patented data security technology allows companies to automate policy enforcement on data in Snowflake based on knowledge gained from BigID. ALTR can apply role- and row-based access and masking policies on sensitive data in Snowflake, tokenize data identified by BigID as sensitive prior to migration or once in Snowflake, set which roles can de-tokenize sensitive data and limit how much data each user can access.You can start with knowing and understanding your data then move on to controlling and securing your data, seamlessly. Automatic end-to-end data governance and security allows you to migrate sensitive workloads into Snowflake safely.

Outcome: More data, more insight

With ALTR and BigID, you’ll save time and effort by automating policy enforcement, you’ll lower the risk on your data, and you can leverage more data. Our combined easy-to-use, cost-effective and scalable solution lets you turn that mountain of data into insight and a winning edge for your business.

See how it works: 

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Automatically Discover, Classify, Control, and Secure Sensitive Data with ALTR and BigID

PUBLISHED: Aug 10, 2022

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The massive influx of data created and collected in the last few years has been a boon to organizations, offering the opportunity to achieve exceptional insight into company operations while proactively anticipating customer behavior. However, like any unprecedented change, it comes with challenges. Before you can leverage this data, you must understand and control it.


Companies across all industries suffer from:

  • Lack of visibility into their data landscape: where is data located? On premises in company-owned enterprise data warehouses or legacy applications? In the cloud in IT-approved applications or shadow IT SaaS? Without an accurate inventory, how can companies begin to manage the data?
  • Inability to identify sensitive data automatically: In the mass of all this data, picking out the sensitive information is even more challenging. If sensitive data isn’t clearly identified, it can’t be governed in line with data privacy laws, leaving companies potentially exposed to censure or fines.  
  • Difficulty controlling massing amounts of data subject to a growing multitude of regulations: Once sensitive data is located and identified, it must be controlled and secured according to applicable regulations. Doing this manually is time consuming and error-prone, increasing risk.

Solution: ALTR + BigID for automated policy enforcement and protection

Combining BigID’s industry-leading discovery and classification capabilities with ALTR’s data access control and patented data security technology allows companies to automate policy enforcement on data in Snowflake based on knowledge gained from BigID. ALTR can apply role- and row-based access and masking policies on sensitive data in Snowflake, tokenize data identified by BigID as sensitive prior to migration or once in Snowflake, set which roles can de-tokenize sensitive data and limit how much data each user can access.You can start with knowing and understanding your data then move on to controlling and securing your data, seamlessly. Automatic end-to-end data governance and security allows you to migrate sensitive workloads into Snowflake safely.

Outcome: More data, more insight

With ALTR and BigID, you’ll save time and effort by automating policy enforcement, you’ll lower the risk on your data, and you can leverage more data. Our combined easy-to-use, cost-effective and scalable solution lets you turn that mountain of data into insight and a winning edge for your business.

See how it works: 

Ready to get started?
We’re here to help. Our team can show you how to use ALTR and make recommendations based on your company’s needs.
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