Why the future of data security in the cloud is programmable

The problem is that IT, security, and compliance are already behind. As the “Defenders” of the business, they must now apply multiple other third-party products to that application in order to to gain fine-grained control over who accesses it and what data they can access.


The job of the Defender is a difficult one, because security and privacy as an afterthought creates both complexity and vulnerability. The complexity comes especially from security products needing to be customized in order to function in lockstep with the application whose data they are protecting. The larger and more complex the application to protect, the more you have to invest to configure and maintain the products that secure it. Vulnerabilities arise because between the application and the security products meant to protect it, there are seams—gaps in communication, coordination, and capability that occur naturally when two systems that are constantly evolving occupy two different infrastructure spaces. It is those seams that endlessly produce new exposure every day.

Why the future of data security in the cloud is programmable

October 14, 2019


The job of the Defender is a difficult one, because security and privacy as an afterthought creates both complexity and vulnerability. The complexity comes especially from security products needing to be customized in order to function in lockstep with the application whose data they are protecting. The larger and more complex the application to protect, the more you have to invest to configure and maintain the products that secure it. Vulnerabilities arise because between the application and the security products meant to protect it, there are seams—gaps in communication, coordination, and capability that occur naturally when two systems that are constantly evolving occupy two different infrastructure spaces. It is those seams that endlessly produce new exposure every day.

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