14 Tech-Related Ethical Concerns And How They Can Be Addressed

Modern technology tools such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and quantum computing can offer amazing benefits to industry and society, from better sharing of marketing messages to tracking human health to eliminating mundane tasks and giving humans free time to create—and much more.


There are no more enthusiastic proponents of technology than leaders in the tech industry, but they’re also the people who are most aware of the functional and ethical drawbacks that almost inevitably arise in rapidly evolving technology tools. Here, 14 members of Forbes Technology Council discuss tech-related ethical issues that they’re concerned about—from the biases in artificial intelligence introduced by its human creators to the ways those with bad intentions can misuse tech—and what can be done to address these problems.

14 Tech-Related Ethical Concerns And How They Can Be Addressed

August 2, 2022


There are no more enthusiastic proponents of technology than leaders in the tech industry, but they’re also the people who are most aware of the functional and ethical drawbacks that almost inevitably arise in rapidly evolving technology tools. Here, 14 members of Forbes Technology Council discuss tech-related ethical issues that they’re concerned about—from the biases in artificial intelligence introduced by its human creators to the ways those with bad intentions can misuse tech—and what can be done to address these problems.

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